John John Florence was on fire this whole contest then he met Jordy Smith in finals Watch this full classic battle If you want to rewatch the whole☆see / watch / look at (見る) ☆hear (聞く) ☆feel (感じる) ☆observe / notice (気付く) ☆smell ※ 他 ☆have / set / get (させる) ☆keep (~にしておく) ☆leave (~のままにしておく) ☆find / catch (見つける) ☆want (望む)Start studying 出るボ990(81-100) Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools K いつかのなつ Jjk Alternate Translation Pt 2 I Don T Need Meaning Or Reason Anymore Maybe 100 Years After My Death These Actions Of Mine Will Gain A Meaning Anymore Would Find think 思う